Wednesday 30 April 2008

Having a go at her Madge

Not the Queen of course, just Madonna. Yep, that's right, good OLD Maddonna, queen of Pop. I'm pretty sure that there's nothing natural about a 40-something-year old with a body as good as Kate Moss. You could say 'if you've got it... flaunt it!', but bear in mind, this woman has kids.
Fair enough her music is good. A duet with JT is hardly a bad thing, but does the belief that 'if you get your body out, you can sell your music' that seems to have infected the Hip hop/Pop industry have to extend to 40-year-olds?
I just don't think it's natural she's got her body everywhere and she's so old. Twiggy gave it a rest, and is now basking in the sophisticated M&S advert's limelight, can't Madonna PLEASE do the same?
Sorry for not blogging in so long and also sorry for this being a very short one, the ANTI is currently seeking out new bands fresh out the studio.
I'd like to take this opportunity to satirise the gem of a band which is Emmy the Great, they've been around for a while but they haven't had a lot of coverage lately. I hadn't realised they had a track up on their Myspace page, which they do. It's a really lovely Pixies cover, give it a listen and it might lift your mood, also you can download it for free.
If you're on Emmy the Great's page, it's just a click away from younghusband, a one man band with a sad, mopey but still good feel. French Grammar sounds very Beatles-inspired, and a few tracks are available to download.
A final apology for neglecting this blog, it will be back and packed as ever over the next few weeks.
Oh, and a final note- feedback is appreciated, this is why THE ANTI have a Myspace page, which you can leave comments on, rather than in my personal truth box. It's quite cowardly, and I'd appreciate people leaving feedback where it's wanted.

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